Nazarene Digital

A Nazarene Wrestling with Digitally Expressing the Great Commission

Are THEY Worthy?

As we discuss church, discipleship, gatherings, small groups, etcetera, and—in particular—the validity (or supposed lack thereof) of digital gatherings in comparison to physical ones…perhaps we ought to ask…are THEY worthy?

It’s a provocative question. Who is the “they”? Are they gamers, unchurched, unbelievers, wounded, hurt, ashamed, insulted, assaulted? Are they “worthy”?

Are they worthy of “our” time? Are they worth “our” time?

Are they worthy of “our” resources? Are they worth “our” resources?

Are they worthy of us setting aside our preferences (and, for the sake of argument, the “better” physical gathering)?

The “our” time and resources, from a Christian point of view, are not ours. Supposedly, We are to view them as God’s. In particular, we are to view them as Christ’s. We are to view them as belonging to our Savior.

So, let’s rephrase these questions with that ownership in mind.

Turning the Questions

Are they worthy of Jesus’ time? Are they worth Jesus’ time?

Are they worthy of Jesus’ resources? Are they worth Jesus’ resources?

Now, when we talk about sending missionaries to foreign countries—especially from “the US is the best country” and a “Christian” country perspective—we say, “absolutely”. Setting aside the messianic complex that seems to often go along with that, it’s good to send missionaries. We have no problem spending hundreds of thousands (and even millions or billions) of dollars to reach “those” people in other countries.

Yet, US church language, by and large, seems to have a completely different perspective when it comes to those that reside in the US. Church language says, they need to come inside our walls.

More Than Evangelism

This is not to say all are saying such. Some are utilizing evangelism and missionary language to separate digital from physical. That, at least, is some freedom to reach out digitally and to have community digitally. Yet, even this freedom still implies lesser than status.


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